Search Consultant
Email Mary: [email protected]
Call: Mary
Mary’s experience recruiting in agency and corporate environments within a variety of industries dates to 1996. Having agency and corporate recruiting experience gives Mary a unique perspective and understanding of the relationship and commitment necessary for success in staffing. Her passion and focus are to help candidates and companies connect to create and establish their optimum growth and their best work. Working at Anderson Recruiting has been Mary’s favorite recruiting role to date. She has been able to successfully introduce Junior- VP level Recruiters and Sales professionals to their next role in the recruiting and staffing industry. She loves assisting people in making smart and rewarding career moves.
Mary graduated from The University of Dayton in Ohio with a degree in Elementary Education. After graduation, she worked as a substitute teacher as well as a part-time temporary employee within a very large firm. This company took notice of Mary’s educational background and degree and soon offered her a full-time training position in human resources. Within a few months, they needed help recruiting and she welcomed that challenge with success and began her career in recruiting.
Mary has lived in many states in the Northeast and the Mid-West but has called Atlanta her home now for over 20 years. She is married to Joseph and has two daughters. She enjoys spending quality time with her family, volunteering at church, hiking and reading.